Posts Tagged ‘Barack’

In light of the last post, this needs to be said. Barack Obama apparently has a fucked up view of executive power. From Greenwald: When Obama was seeking the Democratic nomination, the Constitutional Law Scholar answered a questionnaire about executive power distributed by The Boston Globe‘s Charlie Savage, and this was one of his answers: 5. Does the Constitution […]

Remember this story. The Government Accountability Office, or GAO, is releasing a study today that reports that roughly 2/3rd of major corporations do not pay taxes.  The scope of the study was massive; done over the course of 7 years, it measured as much as 110,000 tax returns a year. In 2005, it found that […]

Reprinted from the DailyKos, Markos Moulitsas with a challenge to all non-liberals, to Republicans who just call everything liberal “socialization” without ever explaining what they mean or why its bad: What exactly are you afraid of? What, will he start some wars? Will the economy go to hell? Will gasoline suddenly cost four bucks a […]

Well, ok, maybe he is race-baiting. Hillary could have never done that as a president.

It’s clear now that Obama is the nominee, and it even seems like Clinton at least knows that internally. I never wanted to be the type of person that was a Hillary-hater before this campaign, but her actions dictated to me that I had no other choice. Still, I must say I long a bit […]

The blogosphere and mainstream media finally caught on to what Anthony Bourdain has been saying for years: Rachael Ray is a terrorist. News broke yesterday that blogger Michelle Malkin was considering a boycott Ray-endorsed Dunkin Donuts because the culinarily-challenged Ray wears what Malkin labels a keffiyah, which apparently “terrorists” use as “anti-Israel” code. First of […]

As noted by almost everyone but the Clinton campaign, Clinton’s nomination prospects are certainly winding down. So, thus I may begin a series on the stupidest things said about why Hillary failed. This quote may mark the first in the series, and it will be hard to beat: Cynthia Ruccia, 55, a sales director for […]

John McCain made an appearance on SNL this weekend, which is starting to seem more and more like a drunken Meet the Press dress rehearsal. First of all, upon Seth Meyers announcing his arrival, the audience cheered. What. The. F. This is a show that is supposed to be watched by young, hip people (who […]

I barely do. Honestly. While I may have become a believer in Obama, I certainly wasn’t always. While part of that is people like me coming around to him (and abandoning my tragically less electable Joe Biden, who should be the Secretary of State in the Obama administration), the other story, one that has been […]