Posts Tagged ‘2008 election’

The NY Times is always center stage on Sunday. Their Op-eds are renowned as perhaps the prestigious in the country, and have brought their columnists near celebrity status. This Sunday, Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich, arguably the most famous amongst all of them in the media, tell tales of two different candidates, and reveal a […]

Obama is up by about 8 points right now nationally. However, he has not been doing well amongst his base, due to his vote in favor of FISA (despite his vote for the amendments to take away telecom immunity), his statements about the death penalty, gun laws…anything that has made him look centrist. It must […]

It was a strange, and certainly ground breaking Special Comment on Countdown last night. Olbermann devoted it to criticizing Barack Obama over his support for the FISA bill. OIbermann’s first criticism was that the Republicans are going to criticize Obama for being soft on terror regardless of his vote on FISA. That may be true, […]

Naturally, I chose to be busy during the not-so thrilling conclusion of the Democratic Primary, so apologies for not live blogging the “cracking of the glass ceiling.” Biggest Story: After somewhere between 16 months and arguably 50 some-odd years, Hillary Clinton has conceded that she will not be the Democratic nominee in 2008. If you’ve […]