Posts Tagged ‘Cnn’

Brown Out


No bias, no bull: Campbell Brown is leaving CNN, where she hosts the ratings-challenged 8PM program bearing her name. “Of course I pay attention to ratings,” Brown said in a statement. “And simply put, the ratings for my program are not where I would like them to be. It is largely for this reason that […]

CNN’s John King just took his show to break with the Killers’ “Uncle Johnny.” I think he did it to piss me off.



From CNN: I think I am developing a crush on America’s first lady. Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He’s good, but she’s utterly fascinating. Mrs. Obama has blown away the stale air in a White House musty from eight years of the Bushes. It’s like the sun came out and a fresh […]

Hey all, I’m sure most of you who know me or read me had forgotten about this blog, but as mentioned in the last post, Poliology is getting back on track. First a brief explanation to why it went away: 1. Post-Election blues–Networks have even been fighting to find stories after the biggest Presidential election […]

Over the weekend, we learned that Harold Ickes is willing to go to the convention for Hillary, where he maintains the DNC will somehow change their mind about the fact that they are going with Obama, and have in fact already voted on it. We also learned that Tatum O’Neal got busted trying to score […]