Posts Tagged ‘Democrat’



Heh: “I wake up every morning and say, ‘Why am I doing this again?’ And then I remember,” Kaus told me over the weekend. “I’d carved out a stress-free life for myself—and this is not that.” Hyperbole or not, I’d say this is just about everything wrong with the American media distilled into one statement. […]

John McCain and Sarah Palin have fired off more mini-anyeurisms in my brain than I’d ever like to mention to Joe Biden. Everytime I think I am at the peak of my outrage, one of the two comes out and says something so completely ridiculous that I think it has to end the race. Palin […]

It’s On!!!


Kaine and Bayh elimated…. Is that the sound of Mitt Romney weeping?

I have a lot of…issues with the Edwards story. I definitely took Edwards’ side from the beginning, but since the admission, obviously much has changed. So first, let me say this: I feel lied to. Not only do I look like a fool for having defended him, it bothers me that this is even an […]

Patrick Healy of the New York Times was just on MSNBC talking possible VP picks for both candidates. I was busy just trying to figure out who the fuck Tim Kaine is, and why he gives his most clear position on a VP candidacy in Spanish. In the midst of all of that, Healy had […]

The NY Times is always center stage on Sunday. Their Op-eds are renowned as perhaps the prestigious in the country, and have brought their columnists near celebrity status. This Sunday, Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich, arguably the most famous amongst all of them in the media, tell tales of two different candidates, and reveal a […]

Over at Huff Po, Andy Borowitz more or less makes my point. The original link is here, reprinted below: The liberal blogosphere was aflame today with new accusations that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) is trying to win the 2008 presidential election. Suspicions about Sen. Obama’s true motives have been building over the past few weeks, […]

Reprinted from the DailyKos, Markos Moulitsas with a challenge to all non-liberals, to Republicans who just call everything liberal “socialization” without ever explaining what they mean or why its bad: What exactly are you afraid of? What, will he start some wars? Will the economy go to hell? Will gasoline suddenly cost four bucks a […]

Naturally, I chose to be busy during the not-so thrilling conclusion of the Democratic Primary, so apologies for not live blogging the “cracking of the glass ceiling.” Biggest Story: After somewhere between 16 months and arguably 50 some-odd years, Hillary Clinton has conceded that she will not be the Democratic nominee in 2008. If you’ve […]

Melinda Henneberger, a consistently thoughtful member of Slate’s XX Factor blog, counters the Dahlia Lithwick article on election fraud which I wrote about yesterday. Henneberger is nicer than I am, but shares similar criticisms. An excerpt: On the electoral front, Dahlia, your point about sagging voter confidence being self-fulfilling is dead right. But do we […]