Archive for March, 2009

Recently found some nice comments in my inbox, thanks guys. I’ve been struggling to find my voice; more and more I think I just see the world differently than most journalists. Either that or my lack of desire to make a living off of this currently affects me. Anyway, I’ve been obsessed with Ta-Nehisi Coates […]

AIG Frustration


First of all, this isn’t a rant about how awful AIG is. There’s enough coverage of that already, and besides, they sponsor Manchester United, so yours truly always knew something was up. Instead of just being angry, it’s important to know why we are angry and why we aren’t doing anything about it. The first […]



From CNN: I think I am developing a crush on America’s first lady. Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He’s good, but she’s utterly fascinating. Mrs. Obama has blown away the stale air in a White House musty from eight years of the Bushes. It’s like the sun came out and a fresh […]