Posts Tagged ‘immigration’

The crazy will not end. Anyways, even if this were a real trend, my view is simple: If you are willing to have your genitals forcibly ripped open for which you’ll likely be receiving poor health care, only for a creature to pop out,that will suck thousands of dollars from your bank account over a […]

Dead Heat


I made a custom poll from Pollster here for a congressional generic ballot. For those not wanting to click over, it’s essentially a tie right now; Dem’s 45.6%, GOP 45.4%. Basically, I removed all polls with a clear bias, plus Rasmussen. I’m not sure about the decision to exclude Rasmussen. On the one hand, there […]

Rudy Giuliani, Republican candidate for president, famously made a “tamper-proof national ID card” a center piece of his immigration policy. Furthermore, I’ve certainly noticed a lot more heat on the Arizona law coming from liberals. If conservatives are against it, great, they should be. It’s an unfair use of government power. For the record, I actually agree with Goldberg’s reasoning in the second paragraph.

This is one hell of a tricky “elbow in the paint”: From Kausfiles: Light This Candle! Obama’s new Spanish-language ad uses some out-of-context Limbaugh quotes to give the impression that McCain is anti-Latino. Jennifer Rubin says: Plainly, Obama is testing what the market for his negativity and non-New Politics will bear, daring McCain to go negative. Or […]

Dos Equis has launched a new ad campaign–I guess when Corona has the majority of your market share, you have to keep your image fresh and ever changing. So why is Dos Equis deciding to change the course by staying the course? The ad blitz–first noticed by myself in the subway yesterday, but I’m sure […]