Archive for August, 2010

What I Read


The Atlantic Wire has done a cool feature where they get pundits and bloggers to talk about what they read on a daily basis, so I figured I’d talk a little about why I read. Normally I don’t have much time in the morning (nor do many who start their job at 8 and like […]

Effete, aloof liberals, palling around with terrorists. Someone stop this, it’s too insensitive! Two hundred Muslims and Jews gathered in Cambridge Monday evening to share an iftar: the evening meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan. The dinner was organized jointly by the American Jewish Committee Boston chapter (AJC) and the American Islamic Congress (AIC) in order to […]

but that was before the year that’s been. “Well, you know, take the consideration, though, that that’s Massachusetts,” Palin said. “Perhaps they’re not going to look for such a hard-core constitutional conservative there, and they’re going to put up with Scott Brown and some of the antics there.” “But up here in Alaska, and […]

John Dickerson on Ben Quayle The son of the former vice president survived allegations that he’d authored racy posts about Scottsdale women on a blog and posed with two children in a campaign flier to suggest that he had children he does not actually possess. Really using the word “possess” with children? Dickerson makes it sound […]

Shocking news today as the blogger who called Barack Obama Malcolm X’s illegitimate son uncovers video of Imam Rauf stating, a, uh, fact: “the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.” Let’s be extremely generous to Al-Qaeda’s non-Muslim kill count and put it […]

The more I realize Nicolle Wallace deserves a cackle of f*cking medals. As a former PoliComm major, amateur history buff, but mostly as a litmag editor, this is just appalling:

suggests Andy McCarthy’s post today, in which he makes yet another deeply flawed analogy in the case of the Park51 project. From the jump: Imagine that there really were these fundamentalist Christian terror cells all over the United States, as the Department of Homeland Security imagines. Of course we don’t have to imagine such a group because […]

Expect a negative ad starring He Hate Me to be produced by Reid in the next couple of days.

Hitting the trifecta today, let’s take a look at Amy Holmes’ post comparing the Westboro Baptist Church to Park 51. Let’s start with Holmes first shot to her own foot: In the midst of the Ground Zero mosque controversy, a related story on religious expression has been overlooked. This week, a federal judge ruled that the Westboro […]

I’ve been going after Drudge a lot here recently. While Drudge may not get quite the same play as Fox does, he, in no small part, is very responsible for Republican agenda. Something that appears on the Drudge Report will, the next day, dominate cable news and a lot of other mainstream outlets. In his […]