Posts Tagged ‘china’

Seriously. What happened to Nico Pitney and the Green uprising? This is nonsense–a bunch of tweets almost randomly arranged on a page, no order, several columns, bleh. As if I needed another reason to be against Twitter. I guess the Google — China war won’t be televised, or effectively blogged by the most prominent liberal […]

So let’s see, even though the vast majority of young people oppose the War in Iraq, and oppose future unnecessary wars, John McCain wants us to go and die, voluntarily or involuntarily, for his neo-con games. I know, I know, Poliology isn’t the DailyKos (I don’t, and probably never will censor anyone’s comments provided they […]

Despite pledging to avoid it, I have found myself tuned into the Olympics nearly constantly whenever I am home and I have the chance. There’s something that bothers me about the Olympics, and I am not sure what I can really attribute it to. It just seems so…disposable. That isn’t at all a slight against […]

While I am certain that some of you may think I’m just lying about being on You Are Here, the fantastic Public Affairs show on Sunday mornings on and 88.9 WERS Music for the Independent Mind (Damn it feels good to plug), I now have proof that I am in fact some what legitimate. […]