Posts Tagged ‘Israel’

Something that caught my eye in Andy’s response is that it’s not exactly easy to move settlers on the post-1967 land out of the territory. It’s a good point, and one that needs to be taken into consideration. That being said, pragmatically, the US itself is calling for a freeze on settlements, not an evacuation. […]

No surprises there. I’ll leave it mostly to my fellow TNC commenter, Emily Hauser. The settlement issue is, well, look at this map, via Sullivan: This has happened with direct aid from the United States. Look, it’s true that Palestine has blown chances at peace with more reasonable Israeli governments. But it’s worth considering that’s not […]

The blogosphere and mainstream media finally caught on to what Anthony Bourdain has been saying for years: Rachael Ray is a terrorist. News broke yesterday that blogger Michelle Malkin was considering a boycott Ray-endorsed Dunkin Donuts because the culinarily-challenged Ray wears what Malkin labels a keffiyah, which apparently “terrorists” use as “anti-Israel” code. First of […]

John McCain made an appearance on SNL this weekend, which is starting to seem more and more like a drunken Meet the Press dress rehearsal. First of all, upon Seth Meyers announcing his arrival, the audience cheered. What. The. F. This is a show that is supposed to be watched by young, hip people (who […]