Posts Tagged ‘gop’

An aggressive ad from Harry Reid against his official GOP opponent, Sharron Angle. The tea party favorite managed to overcome Lowden, the favorite, in a primary. It’s hard to imagine what would be more politically viable, eliminating social security and Medicare, or negotiating health care costs with livestock. I actually would have gone with the […]

Mitt Romney produces a howler: “If ever again somewhere down the road I would be debating [Obama], I would be happy to take credit for his [healthcare] accomplishment,” – Mitt Romney. To my knowledge, Romney and Obama have never debated in the first place, but the two often took shots at each other in their respective […]

Apparently the right to vote is, indeed in the Constitution, contra legendary Emerson professor Mike Brown. According to the greatest legal mind of our time: In addition to energy production, which she called one of her favorite subjects, Palin was focused on getting people out to reverse what she called the leftist direction of the […]

The first of a couple posts tonight First, a semi-custom poll from yours truly via Pollster (I’m temporarily giving up on how to embed that). It’s just about a 5 point gap, which is near the margin of error. I removed all clearly biased polls on both sides. The only controversial removal I made was Rasmussen, […]

I’ve been tracking Michael Steele since he was my Lt. Governor way back in the days of living in Baltimore. At the time Steele was used brilliantly by Bob Ehrlich as an attack dog. He also helped Ehrlich in the black community, who previous Lt. Gov.-turned-candidate-Kathleen Kennedy Townsend alienated. Ehrlich was ousted after one reasonable […]