Posts Tagged ‘Iran’

So let’s see, even though the vast majority of young people oppose the War in Iraq, and oppose future unnecessary wars, John McCain wants us to go and die, voluntarily or involuntarily, for his neo-con games. I know, I know, Poliology isn’t the DailyKos (I don’t, and probably never will censor anyone’s comments provided they […]

Obama is up by about 8 points right now nationally. However, he has not been doing well amongst his base, due to his vote in favor of FISA (despite his vote for the amendments to take away telecom immunity), his statements about the death penalty, gun laws…anything that has made him look centrist. It must […]

The blogosphere and mainstream media finally caught on to what Anthony Bourdain has been saying for years: Rachael Ray is a terrorist. News broke yesterday that blogger Michelle Malkin was considering a boycott Ray-endorsed Dunkin Donuts because the culinarily-challenged Ray wears what Malkin labels a keffiyah, which apparently “terrorists” use as “anti-Israel” code. First of […]

Howard Kurtz writes an article this morning on the possibility that election stealer and Fox News executive Roger Ailes will “unleash” his “attack dog” Bill O’Reilly on NBC’s parent company GE. O’Reilly has complained in the past that GE has helped “kill Americans in Iraq” because they do business with Iran. Then O’Reilly criticized most […]