Posts Tagged ‘ny times’

‘‘Three years ago, I got angry at the mountain. I climbed it 38 times in two months.’’ — Jure Robic After reading that piece this morning, I will never think about the human body the same way again.

Hey all, I’m sure most of you who know me or read me had forgotten about this blog, but as mentioned in the last post, Poliology is getting back on track. First a brief explanation to why it went away: 1. Post-Election blues–Networks have even been fighting to find stories after the biggest Presidential election […]

The New York Times should be ashamed of itself, and as wrong as Bill Kristol normally is on, well, everything, he should know better. Kristol published an op-ed today which describes, disturbingly accurately, a “conversation” with Sarah Palin, which somehow, manages to match up almost word for word with this week’s GOP talking points. Kristol […]

The NY Times is always center stage on Sunday. Their Op-eds are renowned as perhaps the prestigious in the country, and have brought their columnists near celebrity status. This Sunday, Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich, arguably the most famous amongst all of them in the media, tell tales of two different candidates, and reveal a […]

Maureen Dowd has easily my favorite NY Times regular Op-Ed. Much to the chagrin of conservatives, sexists, feminists, and liberal intellectuals, she has been right be about this election from almost the beginning. Frank Rich, arguably now the most famous of the elite media personalities, has basically been pushing a fairy tale in which there […]



Mostly, the description is in my bio and the title. But let’s talk about the reason This is a(n) historic time. Never has there been so much news, so much goings on, media, etc… and I suppose by starting a blog I am contributing to that mess. Tragedy of the Commons, oh well. Perhaps I […]